How to file a Marriage application

  * You may visit the court's website ( to obtain the forms to file your marriage application through our Electronic Filing System. The marriage application packet includes the marriage cover sheet, marriage application and proposed marriage license. Your cover sheet should be as detailed as possible to include the date of marriage, phone numbers, valid email addresses, officiant's information, and any other information you think is important for the court to note. 
* Once your forms are completed, you may register for E-Filing at (
* After you have successfully registered, you may upload your completed Marriage application packet to create your case and pay the applicable fees. 
* Upon successful submission of your forms, a clerk from the Family division, will contact you (telephonically or via email) to advise of any deficiencies. A marriage application cover sheet is required to be completed and submitted with ALL applications.
* Applicants should take notice that there is an oath on the application form above their signature line. This oath should be taken with the same validity as an in person oath. 
* Applicants would be advised by the clerk when their marriage license is available for pick up or downloading through our electronic system. Please review the information on the license carefully and advise the clerk of any errors.  
* After your marriage ceremony is completed, you are required by law to return the completed license to the court.
* You may retrieve uncertified copies of the marriage license by logging in to your E-File account and going to the docket of your marriage.
* If you require sealed certified copies of your marriage license, you may formally request such for a fee of $3.00 per certified copy from the Family division at for St. Croix or for St. Thomas.  

If you do not have access to a computer, you may visit the Family Division in both judicial districts to file your marriage application and related documents, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Cashier hours are 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Business casual attire is required when visiting the Court. No slippers or shorts are permitted when appearing before the Court. 

The Family Division is open for the distribution of marriage licenses between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.  The division is also open on Saturday, Sunday and specific holidays by pre-arrangement and upon the payment of a One Hundred and Fifty Dollar ($150.00) surcharge per couple.  Marriage licenses are distributed on Saturday, Sunday and specific holidays, at a time determined by the Clerk's office. 

We observe all local holidays, including the following: 

  New Year’s Day   Independence Day
  Good Friday Labor Day
  Carnival Saturday Thanksgiving Day
  Memorial Day Christmas Day

Requirements when applying for a Marriage license
In accordance with 16 V.I. Code Ann. § 31, marriage is declared to be a civil contract which may be entered into between two people in accordance with law. Marriage Cover Sheet; Applications for Marriage License and License and Certificate of Marriage  are available in the Family Division of the Clerk’s Office. Pursuant to 16 V.I. Code Ann. § 35, before a marriage license can be issued, applicants may be administered an oath in person or the applicants may read and sign the application as the oath language is contained therein. 

Please note that a valid government issued form of identification is required (Passport or Driver's License). 

Marriage Application      $100.00 (non-refundable)
Marriage License            $100.00
Marriage Ceremony by Judge $400.00

 All fees are to be paid by certified check, money order, or cash when paying in person. If you file your application electronically, you have the ability to pay with a credit card or you may elect to pay in person. 
Applicants residing off-island and requesting information on getting married in the Virgin Islands should provide the Family Division with a current mailing address and telephone number.  A marriage packet to include a marriage cover sheet, marriage application, and a license and certificate of marriage will be forwarded to you.  Applicants traveling to the territory to be married should submit a cover letter detailing the date of visit, the length of stay and the preferred ceremony date if desirous of having the marriage performed by a judge. 

There are no requirements for physical examination or blood tests. 

Marriage Licenses
 All marriage licenses must be legibly completed in its entirety. In accordance with 16 V.I. Code Ann. § 35 (a) the following information with respect to each applicant is required:

Full name, age at last birthday
Social security number
Date of birth
Nationality, Usual Residence
Name of Parents (present/maiden parents' place of birth)
Previous Marital Status (widowed, divorced, marriage annulled)

Please note if applicants have been divorced, a certified copy of the divorce decree must be filed along with the application.  If an applicant is a widow or widower, a certified copy of their spouse’s Death Certificate is required to be filed along with the application. Documents must be certified with either a raised seal or original stamp from the originating court. 

You may have your application notarized prior to appearing before the Court. By law, parties must personally appear before a notary to have a document notarized. 

Posting of Applications
 Marriage applications are posted for public examination in the Clerk’s Office for a period of eight (8) days in accordance with 16 V.I. Code Ann. § 37.  The marriage license fee is One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) and must be paid before the marriage license is picked up. 

Ceremonies performed by a Judge of the Superior Court
If you are desirous of having the marriage ceremony performed by a Judge of the Superior Court, please contact and advise the Family Division to schedule an appointment to have the ceremonies conducted in the Magistrate Division. 

Return of Marriage License Requirement
Pursuant to Title 38 (b), your marriage license shall be returned to the Court within ten (10) days. Pursuant to Title 40, whoever, having solemnized the rites of marriage under authority of license issued pursuant to section 38 of this title, fails to make return as therein required, shall be fined not more than $50.