Presiding Judge

Superior Court Seal

Persons visiting the Superior Court of the Virgin Islands do so for various purposes. Accordingly, we offer the following information to aid you in understanding policies and procedures that must be adhered to when conducting business at the Court.

Visitor Procedures

All visitors must enter the courthouse through the security checkpoints. With the exception of court patrons who are attending a hearing in any courtroom and or filing documents in the Clerk's Office, before any visitor can proceed to any Judge's Chamber or the administrative offices, the respective office must be notified by a Security Officer.

Dress Policies

All persons doing business with the court must be properly attired in business or business casual clothes. Any person wearing the following attire will not be allowed to conduct business in the Superior Court:

  • Any article of clothing that reveals too much of the body
  • Sleeveless Shirts (when going to Court hearings)
  • Tank/Halter Tops (when going to Court hearings)
  • Short Pants (when going to Court hearings)
  • Slippers (when going to Court hearings)
  • The Superior Court reserves the right to enforce this rule and prevent anyone who is inappropriately dressed from the entering the building and/or its courtrooms.

Courtroom Etiquette

This is a court of law and the rules of proper decorum will apply. Please remain quiet while the Court is in session. Persons who fail to conduct themselves in an orderly manner may be removed from the Courtroom and/or premises.