Rising Stars Oath of Membership
"I promise to obey the Rules of the Rising Stars, to stay in school and fully educate myself, and to conduct myself in a decent and moral manner at all times."

The requirements for the participants, who range in age from 10 to 18, are very strict. Members must be students who, with the consent of their parents or guardians, agree to comply with the Rising Stars' Oath. They follow a stringent code of behavior, including completing homework before practice, maintaining passing grades, abstaining from drugs, alcohol or tobacco, obeying household rules of parents and guardians, and following instructions of the band's leaders and staff members. Anyone who violates these rules is subject to probation, suspension or expulsion from the group, although every effort is made to avoid these measures - including providing tutorial services to students who need help. The result has been a graduation rate of over 90% of the participants in this program, with a large number going on to continue their education with assistance from the organization's scholarship program.

"Children are the greatest asset in any community," says Glendia B. Caines, who has been working with the Rising Stars since 1995 in the capacity of the Associate Director of the Pretrial Intervention Program. "This Program gives us the opportunity to be a part of the ‘village' that raises our children as we help to educate our members socially, academically and culturally. It is a challenge that we have accepted and eagerly look forward to as we continue to see the fruits of our labor manifest itself in knowledgeable and competent individuals locally, nationally and internationally."

"It is important to keep the doors of opportunity open to our young people," says former Associate Director Glenn Davis, who worked closely with the Rising Stars from 1991 to 1994. "If you cannot do that, then you cannot expect a bright future for them."


  • Be enrolled in school; private, public or parochial

  • Must be between the ages of 10 and 18

  • Must obtain the consent of parents or guardians

  • Must intend to complete their education (graduate from High School)

  • Must successfully complete the Rising Stars Summer Recruitment Program

  • Must agree to comply with the Rising Stars Rules and Regulations, the Rising Stars Motto and the Rising Stars Oath

TO REMAIN ACTIVE in the Rising Stars Program and participate in all of the program's activities, all members must adhere to the following:

  • Must complete homework before practice.

  • Must not use obscene language.

  • Must not use drugs, alcoholic beverages or tobacco.

  • Must obey household rules of parents or guardians.

  • Must obey instructions of band leaders and staff.

  • May not leave the premises (Panyard or activity site) without permission.

  • Must not participate in fights or other disruptive activity.

  • Must possess three (3) sticks at ALL times.

  • Must keep the Panyard clean (inside and outside) at all times. Eat only in designated areas within the Panyard.

  • Must assist each other when appropriate and necessary - sharing the instruments and the music with each other.

  • Must wear the correct uniform at the specified times.

  • Must put into practice the words of the Rising Stars Motto and Rising Stars Oath.

  • Must submit copies of their report cards to the staff for review at the end of every marking period.

  • Must maintain a minimum GPA of 75%.

  • Any member receiving substandard grades must participate in the Tutorial and Enrichment Program (tutorial sessions).

  • Must accept suspension from performing or traveling with the band when grades are failing (below 75% GPA).

  • 11th and 12th graders must co-operate with parents and staff in preparation for university admission, SAT testing, application for university admission, completion of financial aid forms, and summer employment.