Purchase descriptions may be used in the procurement of supplies or services. Where the use of formal specifications or standards is required, supplementary descriptive information consistent with the specification or standard may also be supplied.

Purchase descriptions shall clearly and accurately describe the technical requirements or desired performance characteristics and the testing procedures which will be used in determining whether such requirements or characteristics have been met. Purchase descriptions may also contain references to formal government specifications and standards which are to form a portion of the purchase description.

Purchase description may either include or contain references to specification and standards issued, promulgated, or adopted by technical societies or associations, or state and local governments, provided that said specifications and standards are widely recognized and used in commercial practice, conform to the requirements of the Superior Court, and are readily available to potential suppliers.

Purchases descriptions used in competitive procurement shall not specify a product having features which are peculiar to the product of a particular manufacturer, producer, or distributor and consequently preclude consideration of a product of another company, unless it has been determined that those particular features are essential to the Superior Court's requirements, and that similar products of other companies or firms lacking those features would not meet the minimum requirements for the item.